SafeLaunch Parent Alliance Urges California Governor Newsom to Protect Youth from Drugs

The SafeLaunch mission is to prevent adolescent exposure to alcohol and other drugs known to cause substance use disorder and addiction. Working together with people like you, we're raising awareness that nine out of ten people suffering from substance use disorder began using before age 18 and that substance use disorder is preventable. We provide parents and decision makers with the information and support they need to prevent adolescent exposure.
The brain is the repository of our humanity, wisdom, our ability to love,
learn, create, compute, compose, contemplate, think, to remember,
to feel empathy for others, to engage in justice and compassion.
These natural rewards are the essence of human existence.
We are united in a passionate desire to protect the minds of our most vulnerable - the children. This is not a war on drugs:
it is a defense of children’s brains.
– Dr. Bertha Madras
Adolescent substance use poses a serious mental health threat which can result in lower achievement, damaged relationships, addiction, and early death. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that is treatable, but not curable. Since 90% of addiction roots in early first exposure, preventing this early onset disease must become everyone’s priority. We embrace scientific evidence to inform adolescents, parents and decision makers about the fragility of the developing human brain.
SafeLaunch was founded by parents who believe that preventing childhood exposure to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs is as important as preventing childhood diabetes or any other preventable disease. We welcome anyone who shares our vision to join us in going upstream to protect youth... before they fall in.
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P.O. Box 21055
Santa Barbara, CA 93121
(805) 283-SAFE