This story unfolds in an airplane hangar where a couple of young people plan for their future success with an aviation metaphor and ends with an inspiring original song by Natalie Clark that implores the listener to reach for their dreams by keeping their brain healthy.
We are grateful to our wonderful director and friend Mamdooh Salih, Assistant Director Salwa Al Khalifa, Singer-Songwriter Natalie Clark, our magical cast from the Actors Registry of Santa Barbara, makeup by Belle Lin of Chi Beauty Artistry, and sound by Jody Eulitz. The film would not have been possible without the ongoing support from the team at Signature Flight Support Santa Barbara. The jet was graciously provided by Santa Barbara Aviation.
Thank you to our co-producer Pathway to Prevention and all of the donors who made Fly to Your Dreams a reality.
SafeLaunch is a nonprofit whose mission is to protect developing youth from drug or alcohol use before age 21 for reasons of health.
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